Friday, September 08, 2006

What Makes a Great Forum

Great Members – without members you have no forum

Good Content – without good content you will get no members

Courteous Staff – without courteous staff you will lose members

What makes great forum staff?

1. Share Knowledge

2. Expand on Content

3. Be willing to help others

4. Making other members feel welcome

5. Join in on conversations

6. Ask quality questions

7. Give quality answers

8. Start good conversations

What makes a good member?

A good member adds to the content of the forum. Regards of how little you think you know even if you only know a few basic things; it may be more than someone else knows. You should share your knowledge regardless of how little you feel it is. Sharing knowledge and experience is how we all learn.

1. Share Knowledge

2. Expand on Content

3. Willing to help others

4. Making other members feel welcome

5. Join in on conversations

6. Ask relevant questions

7. Give relevant answers

We all learn from questions asked and answered regardless of how trivial it may seem to you, it may be of great help to others. Not everyone will have the same amount of experience and knowledge as you. When you ask as question it does not have to be a long drawn out question. Short and too the point is acceptable.

When you answer a question, please try to give as much information as you can without sending them to an outside source for an explanation. Do however give them an outside source if you feel they can benefit from it as much as they can from your answer.

If someone has helped you on the forum, say thank you for the help, you could expand it more by stating how that member has helped you. A little praise and encouragement can go a long way toward making a great member.

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